Tuesday 30 September 2008

plann 2

Script for presenter

Knife crimes have rapidly increased in the UK over the past year. With all the stabbing attacks that are happening in London people are becoming aware of how dangerous this world is really becoming. Crawley’s crime rates have rapidly increased throughout the years. However Crawley is not is not the only town in which knife crimes exist. The metropolitan police have created a new anti knife campaign to try and help prevent the rates of crime around the UK. But will the campaign work here is …………………… on there views on the matter.

Questions for interview

What’s you name and can you spell your last name for me?

What do you think about the crime rates in Crawley?

What rules has Crawley police enforced to try and help prevent these crimes?

What is the worry about stabbings in Crawley as the rates in London increase?

How do you think children are influence to do knife crimes?

What do you think about the metropolitan anti knife campaign?

Why do you think that the advert for the anti crime campaign includes a video game?

What is the connection between video games and knife crimes?

How do you think the police will help prevent these crimes and create a safer environment?

Monday 29 September 2008



Darks alleys
Town centre
Door steps
Outside college


Reading the names and stories of stabbing in the UK and use similar pictures of places to where the stabbing occurred.
Using dark alleys or dark places etc to create a gloomy environment


Sussex police
Victims of stabbing incidents
Young people involved in crimes


· Camera
· Tripod
· Batteries
· Tape
· Camera case

Plan of action

Week one:

Research in books and internet on the crimes in the UK and how the police are solving the issues

Week two:

Start paperwork on filming

Week three:

Talk to people to interview and start looking for location questions for interview

Week four:

Start filming main interview

Week five:

cutaways and noddies

week six:

edit filming



Crimes in Crawley


Nicola Calder, Sharon Woodley and Joan


Rebecca Griffin & Sharon Woodley


3-4 minutess


Mini DV


I will aim my audience at ages 13-21 this is because these are the people it affects the most. These are the people causing the crimes so if I aim the story at them it might give them the chance to reflect on what they are doing or what they might end up doing and give them a chance to stop.


I will base my story around knife crime and how Crawley could end up like London if some help doesn’t happen. I will also talk about the new adverts and campaigns to help prevent the crime and the rates of crime in London compared to Crawley